RCSD Annual Family and Community Engagement Forum
The Rochester City School District (RCSD) announced on Thu., Nov. 2, 2023 that it is hosting its Annual Family and Community Engagement Forum on Sat., Nov. 4, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at East High School, 1801 East Main Street, Rochester, New York.
RCSD invites and encourages its students, families and staff to attend the forum which is an opportunity to discuss current topics impacting the District and our community.
Staff of the district are expected to be available to provide information about RCSD programs and services. In addition to a general session on the RCSD comprehensive school reconfiguration plan and keynote addresses from RCSD students, each adult in attendance will be asked to participate in a breakout information session.
Participants will be able to choose from the following topics:
Academic Achievement: Importance of literacy.
Board Governance: Board roles and responsibilities.
Safety and Security: Districtwide safety plan, emergency response guide for families, and school safety best practices.
Social-Emotional Learning: Tools for social-emotional well-being for families to use at home, new initiatives including telehealth services, and resources for families.
Special Education: Overview, evaluation process, Committee on Special Education (CSE), and information on the types of services students receive.
RCSD says beginning at 10:30 a.m., there will be a community resource fair that will continue throughout the event. Parent groups and community vendors will engage families about additional services, programs, and opportunities to get / remain involved in students’ education and community-based organizations and programs.
Additional information about the RCSD Annual Family and Community Engagement Forum is available at www.rcsdk12.org/communityforum. Also, more information for individuals interested in the new RCSD telehealth initiative is available by using the following link: telehealth services.