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City Seeks Artist to Celebrate the “City Mark” Flower

City Seeks Artist to Celebrate the “City Mark” Flower

ROC the Riverway Initiative Capital Art Slated for Center of Sister Cities Bridge

As part of the ROC the Riverway initiative to improve and revitalize public space on both sides of the Genesee River, the City of Rochester is seeking an artist for a capital art project to be located on the Sister Cities Bridge. The sculptural artwork will be a celebration of the iconic City Mark.

An online information session will take place at Noon on Tuesday, June 25, and responses are due by Thursday, Aug. 8. Interested artists are invited to view the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and other details at

Hidden in the simplicity of the City Mark’s design are the two iconic images steeped in Rochester’s heritage: an old mill wheel and a five-petal lilac representing our “Flour City” and “Flower City” legacies. Originally intended to identify City government functions, the Mark has grown to also be a point of public pride.

“Look anywhere in Rochester and you’re sure to find our City Mark, not only on City of Rochester buildings, but also in t-shirts, murals, tattoos—you name it. Our community has embraced the mark as its own,” said Mayor Malik D. Evans. “With this project, we will be installing new, permanent artwork that recognizes and celebrates the City Mark’s significance.”

The prominent center point of the Sister Cities Bridge, a pedestrian bridge between Main and Andrews Streets downtown, will be the primary focal point for the future work of art. The parks on each side are undergoing phases of extensive renovation to improve accessibility and amenities with expected completion dates in 2024 and 2026.

After RFQ responses are reviewed, up to three finalists will receive stipends to develop preliminary concepts. The final artwork is slated to be fully installed by Fall 2025.


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