What Was Wrong with Michelle Obama’s Much Praised Speech at the DNC

So, Michelle stole the show, and a show it was, on the second night (8/20/24) of the Democratic Party's National Political Convention. It appears that her super-rhetorical, flaming-hot speech (https://youtu.be/YgJBFBwRXvc ), which deserves to be acknowledged as extraordinarily skillful- relative to delivery, apparently eclipsed that of her former Presidential-husband, Barack Obama.
The morning after, it was Michelle's speech that received way more mainstream-press-accolades, as opposed to her husband's. In fact, the masterful hyperbole obviously had many Black folks deliriously-pleased to the extent that some seemed to be completely out of their cotton-picking-minds. On the other hand, those of us who remain thoroughly grounded in objective reality, are absolutely clear about the fact that her old, tired, worn-out, super-hyper, and in some ways offensive "yes we can—hope is making a come-back"—rhetoric is just that (old, tired, worn-out and offensive).
That "hope" jazz that she spewed didn't produce much of anything (other than a super-cheap, temporary Obama phone) for the masses of our people during the EIGHT YEARS that she and her half-Black husband lavished in the WHITE House, and (in-and-of-itself) it AIN'T gonna produce very much now, period.
Again, while the speech was undeniably skillful and clever, or what some in the hood might call SLICK, and probably thrilled the toastmasters associations, let's examine the substance—or really lack thereof. For example, she claimed that:
1) we are "on the cusp of a brighter day—the chance to vanquish the demons of fear, division, and hate." I think we're supposed to conclude that the "demons" are embodied strictly within the mind, beliefs, heart, and actions of Donald Trump—as opposed to the millions upon millions of mainly white folks and a tiny group of ‘negropeans’ and others of color—who are staunch supporters of, protectors and defenders of the demons. If this was solely about Trump, then the Democrats wouldn't be in the political fight of their very lucrative lives.
2) her parents "were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed." She could not have possibly thought out the latter quote.. Either that, or she thinks we're so much in love with their "cinderella" story, or so stupid—which one would definitely have to be—in order to NOT notice that the Obama's, and MANY, if not MOST of the folks in that building, including some from local, slave-town-U.S.A., have taken WAY MORE than they'll ever need!!!This represents clear evidence of the fact that frequently, even the most masterful rhetorical foolishness contains HUGE GAFFES. The latter quote above is definitely one, and if true, would necessarily mean that her parents would have been suspicious of her and Barack, period.
3) There is a whole litany of things, which she rattled off, and claimed that Kamala Harris has done in the process of so-called "working for the people." One of the things on her list was "fighting to get people a good education." Well, we KNOW who has benefited most, and who is still benefiting most from that, and who has/is NOT—don’t we?
4) "Kamala Harris's story is the story of the vast majority of [so-called] Americans trying to build a better life." Ms. Obama really got carried away. I hate to break the news to her, but where the overwhelmingly-vast-majority of OUR PEOPLE (YES, BLACK PEOPLE) are concerned, nothing could possibly be further from the truth. The overwhelming majority of the US don't have mothers who are biomedical scientists, and/or father's who are economists, and definitely NOT grandparents who were slave-holders; nor are we married to multimillionaires. So, yes (where the majority of US are concerned) Ms. Obama was making it up at best, and straight-up lying at worst. It's NOT becoming. It insults OUR intelligence.
5) "Kamala Harris understands the unseen labor and unwavering commitment that has always made [the United States of] America great." REALLY??? So, "America HAS ALWAYS [BEEN] GREAT??? REALLY??? WAS IT "GREAT" in 1776, 1789, 1860, 1900, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960??? THIS IS NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION. WAS IT GREAT DURING THE TIME PERIOD LISTED ABOVE OR NOT??? I would love to hear Ms. Obama's answer, wouldn't you???
Where Black folks in particular—but not exclusively—are concerned, there is a logical and credible choice in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election. Our overall political condition is so very amazing (in 2024) especially when considering all the great teachers that we have had through the decades and centuries, who have tried so very hard to help us become more POLITICALLY-MATURE AND INDEPENDENT, AS OPPOSED TO STILL (IN 2024) HOLDING ON TO THAT OLD, SLAVISH, ‘LESSER-OF-TWO-DAMN-EVILS’ MENTALITY (RATHER THAN OPPOSING AND REJECTING ALL EVIL)!
The Black, political Mis-leadership Class will try to convince our people that our only credible choice or hope is to turn to the old, racist, white men and women, and mainly ‘negropeans’ of the Democratic Party because (let them tell it) we have to be afraid of boogie-man-Trump (as if overall socioeconomic, sociopolitical, sociocultural conditions for the MASSES of our people have been any different under Biden than they were under Trump). THEY HAVE NOT! NOT AT ALL (NOT EVEN ONE IOTA)!!! Conditions have been better for the Black Mis-leadership Class, but NOT for the masses of our people at all, and that’s an absolute, clinical FACT!!!
This particular, upcoming Presidential Election does include a credible choice, Dr. Cornel West. NO PERSON OF COLOR ANYWHERE IN THIS THOROUGHLY RACIST, WHITE-SUPREMACIST-BASED NATION-STATE CAN ARGUE THAT DR. WEST’S PLATFORM AND AGENDA (see it at a link below) WOULD NOT BE GOOD FOR US!!! Yet, most don't seem to get it—because MOST of our people who actually vote, are unable to pull their heads out of the deep, delusional, political-sand, and STOP BEING SLAVISH AND NARROW-MINDED, AND OPEN THEIR MINDS UP TO NEW HORIZONS. They have chosen to remain STUCK IN A NEARLY 90-YEAR OLD MALAISE (OF CONTINUING TO CHASE A DAMN DONKEY THAT JUST KEEPS KICKING MOST OF US SQUARELY IN THE FACE, RIGHT AFTER EACH ELECTION).
The old, slavish argument goes: ‘But Cornel West does not have any chance of winning. He could end up being the spoiler that allows the boogie-man to get elected.’ HOW POLITICALLY-IMMATURE!!! HOW SIMPLE-MINDED!!! This is ONE example of why those who are really pulling the strings regarding mainly-Black, dysfunctional so-called “educational” institutions work so hard to make sure that we DON’T become CRITICAL THINKERS!!! Can you imagine what would happen, if on November 5, 2024, the VAST MAJORITY of Black voters, as well as other voters of color, and a sizeable number of white voters were to withdraw their support from both the RACIST WOLF (TRUMP & REPUBLICANS), AND THE RACIST FOX (HARRIS & DEMOCRATS), and instead cast ballots for Dr. Cornel West? Dr. West would become one of the most politically-powerful people on the globe overnight!!! THIS WOULD BE POWER THAT CAN BE WIELDED ON OUR BEHALF!!! Political WOLVES & FOXES would be knocking at his door the next day, if not the same night, BUT WE ARE TOO HOODWINKED, BAMBOOZLED, AND SLAVISH TO THINK ON THIS LEVEL!!! Brother Malcolm explained to us over 60 years ago why the majority of our people who bother to come to the polls (most don't) are nothing but straight-up chumps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ54bKRE0ig .
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