Ensuring Justice in the Wake of the Killing of Robert Brooks

Last month we saw the extremely disturbing video footage released of the fatal beating of Robert Brooks, a native of Greater Rochester. Anyone in the custody of our state correctional system should never have to fear for their life, especially at the hands of those sworn to protect them. This unacceptable tragedy is a stark reminder of the work ahead and has understandably been followed by calls for justice.
Swift and immediate justice is our top priority. It’s the only way we can send a message that these horrifying acts will not be tolerated in New York State. This desire for justice is shared by Attorney General Letitia James. Due to the set-up of the State Attorney General’s office, however, her civil department is currently defending a few of the officers on the body cam footage in separate incidents. To avoid a conflict of interest and prevent potential legal delays, the Attorney General recently recused herself from the Robert Brooks investigation. This was the correct—and only—choice the Attorney General could make to ensure an expedient investigation.
But where do we go from here? How do we secure the kind of swift justice we want to see not only for Robert Brooks, but for any incidents moving forward? We do that by giving the Attorney General the most possible tools in her toolbox for future investigations. I recently introduced a bill in the State Senate that would allow the Attorney General to appoint an independent special investigator to look into claims of abuse. If there are any potential conflicts of interest, this would be a way for the Attorney General to quickly appoint a qualified, independent attorney to lead the investigation.
The Robert Brooks tragedy should have never happened. It’s now our responsibility in the state to hold those responsible accountable and bring even a small sliver of relief to his family and friends. This year, I’ll be pushing my bill to give more options to the Attorney General’s office to ensure that in any cases of abuse while in a correctional facility, the investigation goes on without delay and that justice comes swiftly.
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Thank you for speaking out. The current level of violence in our prison system is a moral and national disgrace.