City Opens Applications for Neighborhood Improvement Grants

Applications are now open for the City of Rochester’s Neighbors In Action (NIA) grants, a community-based initiative offering up to $10,000 per project. The program aims to fund neighborhood improvements, from beautification efforts to youth programs, thanks to a combined $300,000 in support from the City, ESL Federal Credit Union and Rochester Area Community Foundation.
Mayor Malik D. Evans announced the partnership with ESL and the Community Foundation, which each committed $100,000 to match the City’s initial $100,000 investment. Rochester Area Community Foundation will manage the funds and disburse grants, while newly created positions in the City’s Neighborhood Service Centers will oversee the NIA program and assist applicants.
“I am thrilled to announce this amazing partnership with such community-minded organizations,” Evans said. “ESL and the Community Foundation are stepping up in a powerful way to strengthen our neighborhoods and empower our residents. I encourage every city neighborhood to apply for a NIA grant to help fund their vision of improving where they live.”
John Paul Perez, executive director of community impact at ESL Federal Credit Union, called the partnership “vital support for initiatives that foster connection among neighbors, strengthen bonds, and build vibrant and resilient neighborhoods.”
“We align closely with the Urban Institute’s definition of upward mobility, which says that neighborhoods need to be inclusive and have ample opportunities in order to make economic success at the individual or household level possible,” said Simeon Banister, president and CEO of Rochester Area Community Foundation. “NIA puts residents in the driver’s seat to shape their neighborhoods. We’re going to have our eyes and ears open throughout this process to learn from residents about what works and what doesn’t.”
Projects eligible for funding include community gardens, public art displays, neighborhood events, youth and senior programs, environmental sustainability projects, and educational or health-focused initiatives. Applications can be submitted at and are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. Grant recipients will be announced on March 31.
Neighbors In Action, rooted in the Swahili word “Nia” (pronounced NEE-uh) meaning “purpose,” embraces a core principle of Kwanzaa encouraging individuals and communities to pursue collective goals. The program is open to all neighborhood associations, block clubs and community organizations within the City of Rochester. NIA partners encourage anyone with a passion for creating a more connected and empowered Rochester to take part.
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